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Call for papers

Submissions are now open:Submit

We invite submissions on one of the following topics:

  • The notion of ‘area’ or ‘field’ in Applied Linguistics (multicritieral analysis in specific areas, comparative analysis of different fields, etc.)
  • Applied Linguistics and Linguistics: Are they two distinct‘areas’ or a single ‘field’ or can they not be divided?
  • Models and multiple-theory approaches (combining several approaches to explore the same area)
  • Resources, tools and methodologies to explore an ‘area’ (or conduct ‘field’ work).
  • Applied Linguistics and Theoretical Linguistics: building a complementary approach? And what are the epistemological issues raised by obvious complementary?

Deadline: 15 January 2014 Notification: 28 February 2015 Conference: 8-10 July 2015

Abstracts should be 500 words maximum, plus a short indicative bibliography. Abstracts should contain a statement of the aim of the contribution, and should make clear how the paper relates to the topics mentionned above. A first page will include the namee and affiliations of the authors. A second, anonymous page will include the abstract with references, in standard format (word or pdf) in French or in English. Abstracts will be submitted via easychair, which will be opened soon.