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Call for papers

Submissions are now open:Submit

We invite submissions on one of the following topics:

  • The notion of ‘area’ or ‘field’ in Applied Linguistics (multicritieral analysis in specific areas, comparative analysis of different fields, etc.)
  • Applied Linguistics and Linguistics: Are they two distinct‘areas’ or a single ‘field’ or can they not be divided?
  • Models and multiple-theory approaches (combining several approaches to explore the same area)
  • Resources, tools and methodologies to explore an ‘area’ (or conduct ‘field’ work).
  • Applied Linguistics and Theoretical Linguistics: building a complementary approach? And what are the epistemological issues raised by obvious complementary?

Deadline: 15 January 2014 Notification: 31 Jan 2015 Conference: 8-10 Jul 2015

Abstracts should be 500 words maximum, plus a short indicative bibliography. Abstracts should contain a statement of the aim of the contribution, and should make clear how the paper relates to the topics mentionned above. A first page will include the namee and affiliations of the authors. A second, anonymous page will include the abstract with references, in standard format (word or pdf) in French or in English. Abstracts will be submitted via easychair, which will be opened soon.

Corpus workshop: 7 Jul 2015 –